Monday, October 12, 2009

2 States - Chetan Bhagat. Amazing Read!!!

Totally bored with reading the books I already have, I went out to Landmark to make use of the sale season and pick out a few books. Going there with the intention of picking up Shantharam, I happened to see Chetan Bhagat's latest book "2 States - the story of my marriage" there. Having read all his previous books, it was difficult to go without picking out his book. Honestly, apart from Five Point Someone the other two books failed to impress me. I had convinced myself that he was just a onetime success, but after having read 2 States, my respect and admiration for Chetan Bhagat has reached newer heights. An absolute delight to read, the books keeps you hooked through each page. In order to finish the book asap, I even carried it to the office and finished the remaining few pages there :). Its hilarious in places, very entertaining throughout and the way its written helps you relate to it. The simple things we do every day, the daily battles we fight with ourselves are so beautifully written. It doesn't seem like a third person but like it could be your story. Hats off to you Mr. Bhagat for this masterpiece. Would recommend this book to all!!